Bus Outing to Box Hill Art Centre
The residents took a trip to Box Hill Art Centre enjoying the local artists works then devouring a delicious morning tea.

Bus Outing to Fitzroy Gardens
On a beautiful Autumn the Residents wandered through the lovely historical Fitzroy Gardens followed by a delicious morning tea.

Bus Outing to National Gallery of Victoria
The residents enjoyed a guided tour of the National Gallery of Victoria then dined at that prestigious
‘Garden Restaurant’ for a scrumptious gourmet lunch.

Sally & Maya from ‘Studio 2 Mayfield Street Ceramics’ visited to give the residents the opportunity to decorate their own piece of bisque ware which will be fired in their studio to then be returned to the residents to keep. The talent shone through for all who participated.

Coronation of King Charles III
The residents enjoyed watching the Coronation of King Charles III, while enjoying some scones, jam & cream, how very English!!!

Mother’s Day High Tea Luncheon
The Ladies enjoyed their luncheon of Petit Fours with both hot & cold savouries, scones, jam & cream
and delicious cakes. The tables were set with beautiful, tiered plates, champagne flutes & vases of
flowers. The Ladies said they felt like they were eating at the ‘Windsor’.