At Kew Gardens Aged Care, we believe that respite care Melbourne and Victoria wide is one of the most important aspects of aged care, and it forms a core part of our care and support services.
Kew Gardens aims to ensure that residential respite care services are provided to the highest standards, so that carers can get the support and time they need – whether it means talking to family, getting help with their own health, or just having a short break.
If you are in Melbourne or located more broadly and are involved in aged care, respite will often be a crucial part of your job. With the right community support, respite care services and a strong plan, you’ll be able to take the time off that you need as a carer.

What is Respite Care?
Essentially, respite care involves shifting your care responsibilities to another person, whether on a short term or longer term basis, allowing you to take a break from your caring responsibilities.
Getting this extra support in the form of respite care is often important in allowing you to take some time off – whether it is in a short term time frame of one day or a longer period of time – so that you can focus on yourself, relax, and take care of your own health.

Respite care can be offered in a number of ways, including (but not limited to):
- Short term respite care
- Long term respite care
- Residential respite care
- In home respite
- Emergency respite
- Centre based respite
At Kew Gardens, we focus on providing the highest standard of residential respite care Melbourne has to offer – this means we ensure respite is available and beneficial for both carers and residents, and that any people requiring access to respite care have a stay that is as comfortable as possible.
Why Residential Respite Care is Important
When it comes to aged care, residential respite care is important for a number of reasons. In addition to the benefits that a few days of respite care can provide in terms of allowing a carer to deal with stress, relax, and focus on personal issues and health, it is often crucial in ensuring that the person being cared for is receiving the highest possible standard of care and support.
As a carer who provides support to older people, day to day responsibilities and care activities can often take a toll on mental health and general wellbeing. Unlike jobs with more traditional responsibilities, a carer will often be required to be available, work and provide support at all hours of the day. In order to ensure that carers enjoy their responsibilities, maintain quality in what they do, and have time to spend focusing on their own needs, respite care is necessary.
Residential respite care is also often beneficial as it provides a sense of community for those under care – here at Kew Gardens in Melbourne, local residents enjoy access to a number of activities and services, have maximised opportunities for family contact and visits, and can benefit from a community focused environment.
What to Do If You Need Respite Care Services
If you require emergency respite services or day respite support, there are a number of care services available that will ensure you can get the relief you need.
The particular service you decide to utilise will depend on your situation, and the benefits you are looking to gain from respite care.
For example, in the search for a break through respite care, you may need to consider whether you are looking for short term respite care that might only be for a number of hours or days, or longer term care. Furthermore, carers and others that have caring duties should consider their local area and community – location is often an important factor. Finally, one more important consideration is to decide whether you need emergency respite care – this will come down to how quickly you need it, and how long you need it for.

For more information on respite care in Melbourne, feel free to call and talk to someone here at Kew Gardens – our community will provide advice and information that is as helpful as possible.

Respite Care at Kew Gardens Aged Care
When it comes to the search for long term respite care Melbourne wide, Kew Gardens aged care will go above and beyond to ensure that we may meet your needs with things like high quality service and a range of activities and benefits for residents throughout their stay.
We ensure that a respite care stay includes services across all usual areas of care – everything from personal care, medication and meals, to things like laundry, daily activities and more specialised care. If you are unsure of whether or not we can meet your needs at Kew Gardens, get in contact and our team will provide you with all the information and help you require.
In home care is often difficult for a number of reasons, and any carer will often feel overwhelmed if the required respite care plans are not made. As a result, if you are a carer in an in home situation or otherwise, ensuring that you have access to respite services is paramount.
Here in Melbourne, we offer a community focused approach to aged care, where older people will be able to enjoy residential aged care and receive the help that they need. Our local team is available to deliver caring help across a wide range of circumstances. If you are someone looking for respite care and need to take a break from your responsibilities, give us a call to contact us for more information.